Lizzy Mau
Year and Major: 4th Year, Environmental Studies
Position: Co-Chair
Office Hours: Fri 9am-11am https://ucsb.zoom.us/my/ejaofficehours
“I’m interested in the ways we can create space for QTBIPOC folks in the mainstream environmental movement, which has been traditionally white. I hope to cultivate a sense of community and healing this year!”

Landry Gillen
Year and Major: Environmental Studies Major / Double Minor in Education and Poverty, Inequality, and Social Justice
Position: Co-Chair
Office Hours: Tues 10am-12pm https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/3759451421
“My goals are to begin building, fostering, and growing our justice-based community to ensure the longevity of EJA as we transition back to campus life.”

Asia Juarez
Year and Major: Environmental Studies
Position: Campaign Co-Chair
Office Hours: Tues 11am-1pm
““I plan to broaden the audience within EJA’s following and educate people on the effects environmental justice has on the BIPOC community.”

Jwan Haddad
Year and Major: 2nd Year, Biology
Position: Campaign Co-Chair
Office Hours: Tues and Thurs, 9:30am-10:30am at the Hub
“Looking forward to exploring environmental justice around the world and the different meanings it can have for different communities!”

Visala Tallavarjula
Year and Major: 3rd Year, Environmental Studies
Position: Campaign Co-Chair
Office Hours: Mon 1pm-3pm, https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/88070925370
“I really enjoy being out in nature, especially hiking, camping, and paddle boarding! During my term as an EJA Campaign Chair, I would like to create an accessible online Environmental Justice course made up of diverse lecturers that will help educate anyone who wants to learn more about Environmental Justice.”

Asata Spencer
Year and Major: 2nd Year, Environmental Studies
Position: Campaign Co-Chair
Office Hours: Fri 11am-1pm https://ucsb.zoom.us/my/ejaofficehours
“I’m excited to be apart a group that uplifts BIPOC voices in regards to environmental justice and to share my own experiences in order to create a safe space! I’m looking forward to my first year in EJA and the projects we organize in the future!”

Pamela Linares Gutierrez
Year and Major: 4th Year, Environmental Studies and Chicanx Studies
Position: Community Affairs Chair
Office Hours: Tues 3pm-5pm, https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/86102209415
“I’m passionate about books, animals, and environmental justice! I’m new to EJA, but I’m really looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish in our community this year and beyond.”

Eliana Stone
Year and Major: 4th Year, Environmental Studies and Economics
Position: Treasurer
Office Hours: Wed 10am-12pm, https://ucsb.zoom.us/my/elianastoneeja
“This year I hope to provide assistance for environmental justice campaigns and events at UCSB and in Isla Vista!”

Jocelyn Ortiz
Year and Major: 4th Year, History of Public Policy and Law
Position: Publicity Co-Chair
Office Hours: Mon 3pm-5pm, https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/86811346049?pwd=M2l4TEVuQ2JwSGVtVmxDVzhTK3B6UT09
“I am excited to join EJA this year and be able to promote awareness of environmental racism and social disparities that exist in UCSB and IV. I wish to formulate campaigns that will not only address but also work towards the elimination of these inequalities on campus.”

Julia Park
Year and Major: 1st Year, Political Science
Position: Publicity Co-Chair
Office Hours: Tues 1pm-3 pm, https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/9529563187
“I’m passionate about politics, government, and law, and I’m excited this year to communicate EJA’s messages and events to the general campus and community to raise awareness and increase involvement in these matters.”

April Zhang
Year and Major: 2nd Year, Environmental Studies and Sociology
Position: Senate Liason
Office Hours: Mon 4pm-5pm and Wed 3pm-5pm, https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/82876632257?pwd=WWNySkluNW4vekxlbTg0MWNuMWZuUT09
“In my spare time, you can catch me training others in Model United Nations, leading community projects, and reading. I wish to establish a stronger connection between the university and environmentalism around campus, and to help EJA grow in every way that I can!”

Naomi Charlet
Year and Major: 3rd Year, Environmental Studies Major and Spanish Minor
Position: Environmental Affairs Board EJA Liaison
“I am excited to join EJA as one of the EAB liaisons and bring more awareness of environmental injustices within our local communities to the UCSB campus. I hope to cultivate a culture of inclusivity within UCSB and a create safe space for marginalized voices to share their experiences and voice their concerns as we learn and grow together.”

Hannah Lee
Year and Major: Political Science Major and Black Studies Minor
Position: Senate Liaison
Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 12pm-1:30pm, https://ucsb.zoom.us/u/kccp2MiLJb
“I am super interested in the environment and making it more equitable and equal to all. I want to definitely put on some amazing events that bring people together and educate them on environmental injustices and racism faced in the U.S. and globally.”

Sofia Carigma
Year and Major: 4th Year, Environmental Studies
Position: Administrative Coordinator
“I’m excited to work with EJA this year to help ensure that the org runs smoothly so that we can provide resources that empowers our communities.”