Funding Request Form EJA Project Submission Organization Name:*Describe organization/mission/or link website*Contact Name* First Last Contact Email* Contact PronounsContact Position in Organization*AS Account Number*don’t know your account number? Check hereOrganization Category*OSLCampus DepartmentAssociated Students BCUPlease provide a description of your project/event (intended audience/attendance, purpose)*How does your project align with EJA’s mission statement?*When do you need the funding?*Date of Event/Project/Program*Time of Event/Project/Program*Full Project Budget (Itemized)*Item DescriptionCostRequest Total Requested*Would your project be viable if it only received partial funding?What line items in your budget are particularly essential to project success? (optional)Have you sought other funding sources? If so, please list below*sourceamountstatus CAPTCHA Δ